Friday, August 22, 2014

Trip Around the World

A few weeks ago, I saw Jan's blog post about her trip around the world quilt, and I couldn't get it out of my mind. I went back to her blog and saw that she posted again about her project, which led me to the Brigitte Giblin Quilts facebook page and eventually to me joining Brigitte's second Trip Around the World challenge group. The challenge is to hand sew a trip around the world quilt, using squares that are cut 2", with a "red spot" fabric for the center and then certain other rows. It took me a little while to get a hold of 1/2 yard of a good red dot fabric, but I did, and here's what I have so far:

trip around the world 8

It is getting a little more challenging as the rows get longer, and I'm a little scared about the length of the later rows (from looking at some of the photos from the first challenge group, I'm guessing it might end up with 27 "trips" around the center maybe.) But it's a good project to keep my hands busy while I watch a show and it has been really fun choosing the different fabrics for each row as I go. 

If you're interested in seeing more of the challenge photos, the hashtag for the challenge is #bgtawc. I love seeing all the different versions of this quilt.


Cille said...

It's a lovely color layout :)


Hi ... yours is looking great!
love the colors... I too want to
do it... don't know how to use a