Hey there everyone--I made a set of 8 cloth napkins to give away this week, as part of the Sew, Mama, Sew May Giveaway Day. Make sure you visit their site to see lots and lots of other cool giveaways! I've been wanting to start using cloth napkins in my own home and decided to make some extras for the giveaway. Four of them are Katie Jump Rope prints and the rest are made from some vintage fabric my friend/neighbor got freecycling. These range from 10" square to 12" square (I'm trying to decide the size I like best).

If you'd like to win, all you have to do is comment here. Tell me your name, where you live, and a project you're working on these days. I'll have one of my vice presidents of fun (I totally stole that from CraftSanity) help me pick a random winner.
This drawing is open to anyone, U.S. or international. You have until 8 p.m. central on May 31 to enter, and I'll post the winner that night. Make sure I have a way to contact you!
Hi, Jennifer from FL here-long time reader, first time poster ;)I love these...such pretty fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!
My current project..I'm making dolls from the Black Apple doll pattern (so far, three done!) to send to crafthope.com.
I'm a Katie Jump Rope fan! I'm from Georgia. I'm got several projects mid-stream (don't we all), but the one I'll probably get back to soonest is a wacky log cabin (improv) quilt.
i love these fabrics!....I have too many projects going right now. I have some new moda fabrics sitting on my table to start a new quilt. :)
I'm Ellen from Atlanta and I'm working on a Far, Far Away quilt.
Enjoy your blog.
These are great, i ♥ cloth napkins!
Hi, I'm April from CA - living in Utah. I've got a quilt top just about finished.
I love the combination of the oranges and blues in your give-away!
I am Mary from Minnesota and currently I am working on this months blocks for Geese in the the Forrest. This is going to be a fun quilt! I love the napkins!
Great giveaway! You used lovely faric!
Hello - Anne from Illinois. My current project is a quilt for my son (first one)
Thank you!
Those are great... We use cloth napkins and it would be nice to trade them out for some cuter ones!! (I keep telling myself I'll make some but haven't gotten around to it!) Current sewing projects include the nine patch quilt (quiltalong) and a little doorstop shaped like a house. It's going to be great!!
I'm Karen in NC...and I am working on 2 quilts and some baby gifts...love cloth napkins!
Melissa from SC, and I'm currently working on Maternity clothing from Ottobre Magazine!
These will be great to wipe the grimy hands of my twins on when they get here :D
I'm Ariel from Indiana...I would be so thrilled to win your giveaway. I'm an artist and quilter and have just opened an etsy shop pocketfulofpinwheels.etsy.com
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I am Leslie, i live in New York. Currently i am working on sewing the binding to a quilt and planning to get quilting another this afternoon.
i'm rachel.
i live in ohio, but i'm from georgia.
i'm currently working on old red barn & co.'s quilt along.
Hi, I'm Cara. I live in St. Louis and have been working on two quilts - one for my daughter and another for my sister-in-law. They couldn't be more different of sewing projects so it's been fun!
Hi there, I'm Barbara from Brantford, and right now I'm working on the largest quilt I've ever done, Soiree, for a wedding. Ugh I hope I get it!
My name is Katherine, I reside in WV. But will be moving back to Northern VA(where I am from) Mon June 1st :)
I am currently not crafting as I have been busy getting ready to move.
Oh MY gosh!! Those stitched HANDS are SO stinking CUTE!!! I'm Lauranie, I live in Lafayette, LA and I am working on about 467 things! :) I've been working on a quilt for my Aunt, who is almost finished with her 2nd round of radiation therapy and will soon be 100% CANCER FREE!! She only has 1 child and 3 grandchildren so I included my 3, my sister's 2 and my brother's lil girl's hand prints on her panels to send her PLENTY of hugs! Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great Giveaway Day!!
Sorry, I forgot to say how great the napkins are!! The fabric choices are superb!! :)
Cute fabric. I am making a quilt for myself finally!
Ooooo...cloth napkins! Awesome!!! I'm currently working on 2 little dresses for my daughter and hopefully a sun hat too. And then there are about a billion other projects yet to be started...isn't that always the way? Fun giveaway! Thanks@
So nice :)I love these fabrics.
i am currently working on coffee sleeves-you can see the giveaway on my blog-and some birthday presents!
what lovely cloth napkins! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity! I'm Rita from San Francisco, and I've been making crochet toys.
Hey Vicki - this is your mom. Cute napkins. As others have said, the fabric is very cute!
Great giveaway! I'm in SW Minnesota. I'm finishing up a baby quilt and some potholders that I'm bringing with me as gifts to UT tomorrow!
I'm Amy from Manitoba and I'm working on a bunch of secret hostess gifts for my summer vacation!
Howdy, I'm Angi from Boston and I'm working on light and summery nighties for my little girl.
Those fabrics are great! I'm Sara from OH. I love your blog! I am currently working on an all batik and black quilt, which will be king size when done and working on the Sylvia's Bridal Sampler too!
Hi I'm Kaye *waves* and I'm from Toronto, On Canada. Right now I'm working on a quilt as a wedding present for my high school best friend. I'm crossing my fingers that I can get it done in time. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love cloth napkins and lost mine in the move, so this is perfect! Thanks for the giveaway.
Hi! I'm in Colorado Springs. I haven't been sewing in a while, but recently took up knitting and I'm making the "Camden" sweater from Knitty.com's Fall 2008 edition. Maybe if I had some great new fabric I'd be inspired to do some more quilting.
I am a big fan of cloth napkins, thanks for offering these lovely ones.
My current project is a baby quilt for our baby.
Hi, Jennifer from Maine and I'm knitting a baby blanket, scarf, and sweater and also sewing up some pants for my kids. I love the napkins you made! Thanks for giving us a chance to win them. Have a great day!!
Hi, I'm Sandy from Argentina and I'm currently working on a Mini quilt for the Spring Blooms Mini Quilt Swap.
Thank you for the giveaway, I love the fabrics you chose!
Hi, I'd like to join!
I'm Anna Ruth, living in the Netherlands.Current project is cutting pieces of fabric in order to make a quilt - sewingmachine broke, so I have to wait..
Thanks for the great give-away!
such cute napkins! me family's been using cloth napkins since i was born (or at least that's as far as I can remember), and now that i'm moving out on my own soon, i've been keeping an eye out for some neat napkins to bring into a new place...
my current project is a blue log cabin quilt for my little sister's high school graduation gift. almost done... about half the border and the binding left! :)
Hey there - Charity from BC, Canada here! I am currently knitting a baby blanket, and planning on sewing a pair of pajama/lounging pants.
I have been hoping to find the time to make some new napkins. These are cuter than I could manage.
I'm Sarah and I live in Utah. Right now I'm working on the Frida dress from Modkids and a quilt for my daughter's first birthday.
I love fabric napkins & yours are especially cute! I'm about to start on some placemats.
What a great idea! I live in AZ and am working on baby gifts for my SIL who is having a baby girl soon.
I'm from northern Maine. Just helped hubby plant some potatoes and pumpkins for our roadside stand. It was a wee bit chilly, and I am sore...I'm soooo outta shape. I'm following a quiltalong with oldredbarn right now using batiks from my stash. You know how it is....I save save save and never use use use...gotta stop the hoarding bug. Love the vintage fabs and can always use napkins.
Hi I'm Tam, from the Gold Coast, Australia. I'm currently making a soft toy robot for my son's 3rd birthday. Love the idea of cloth napkins!!
Hi, I'm Lisa from Ontario, Canada! I am currently working on a bunch of project bags for my knitting group!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway, the fabrics are beautiful!
I'm Krista from Stratford Ontario! I'm working on a number of projects - I start and have a hard time finishing. Currenlty though a little girl quilt and a quilt for my little boy to sit on in his wagon. Also I've bought fabric to make the Amy Butler Swing purse... but still have to prewash it... too much to do!
I love cloth napkins and am always on the lookout for new cute ones. I am in Utah and am always looking for new things to make. Recently I have been into embroidery and just made my friend a passport cover for her trip to Europe.
If I don't win, will you make some for me sometime anyway?
Pretty please?
I'm Emily, from Wake Forest, NC - I'm working on catching up on the Star quilt along that amandajean had going last year... I got distracted around square #9, and just finished it today!!! I am also working on the Old Red Barn Co. quilt along, and happy to say I'm right where I am supposed to be. Anyway - I would love to win the napkins, since we use them here and are always needing more!
I'm Kelli from Michigan. My current projects are many, but I'm finishing up the Mod Sampler Quilt Along and working on a nine patch a day.
I'm Becky from Atlanta. Those napkins would so wok on the table on our screened porch. Love your fabric choices. I spent the day recoverinig the cushions for a love seat on the porch. Not my type of sewing, but it needed to be done. Tomorrow, I can return to piecing a quilt top using Moda's Prairie Paisely fabric. Love that fabric. Thanks for your generous give-away!
Hi! I'm Katie! I've been wanting to switch to more cloth, too, and these are so cute!! I'm mostly an clothing sewer, and am working on pants for the hubby right now.
I'm working on a dress for my daughter. We live in St. Louis.
Hi! My name is Raelena and I live in North Carolina. Right now Im working on making a purse
I'm Elizabeth from Massachusetts and I love those aqua and red. I love that combo! I'm working hard ( hardly working) on putting together a granny square afghan!
if i win them, is it okay if i use them as hankies? they're really cute!
hi! i'm pamela, in michigan and i am not working on anything at the moment. :( we just moved into a new home 2 months ago and had our first baby 3 weeks ago, so i haven't had time to be creative BUT i am storing a million projects in my head. :)
Hello there! I'm Victoria and I live in a recently renovated carriage house in downtown Albany. Right now it's work, work, work (I make cloth books) but I hope to make a quilt for my bed this summer!
Hello, Rebecca from Illinois. I am working on some aprons this month. Might even make one for me!
I'm Michele from Missouri. I'm working on hand-piecing a quilt I started, and put down, many years ago. Hoping to finish it this summer
Valerie from just outside of Ottawa, Canada. I'm (slooooowly) working on an alien/spaceship quilt for my little one (alas, it won't be done in time for his birthday next Tuesday)
Hey, I'm Patty from Northern California. I'm currently working on a Christmas quilt--gotta start early or I'll never finish!
What a great summer idea! Picnics on the patio need fun colorful napkins. I'm in chicago, and I wish I had great projects to post. we just moved and I'm barely finding time for anything, let alone a project :) I'm hoping to embroider some kitchen towels soon!
Thanks for the great giveaway
suserat at yahoo dot com
Yeah! I'm in Alabama, and i'm working on a quilt for my son.
kldemare at yahoo dot com
I'm Jody living in Ontario, Canada. I'm a Denyse Schmidt fan so I would love the chance to win some of her kjr line. Thanks for the chance to win...currently I'm working on a string quilt...can't wait to see it completed!!
I'm Maxine from Ontario, CANADA. These fabrics are beautiful! I am currently working on cushions for our new sofa!
Not so crafty but I am working on remodeling my 100yo house. Wait, I think that IS crafty. It is an arts-and-crafts bungalow. Ha!
..from Canada, currently working on some baby gifts.
Hi, I'm Lucy from London. I'm currently working on lots and lots of handbags!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Such lovely napkins. The fabrics are wonderful. I'm Kimara... I'm from Michigan... and with the lovely weather I've been making skirts and shorts for the grandbabies. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi. I'm Angie from Arkansas. I think those napkins are great!
I am currently working on an Amy Butler hat pattern and I've been making tons of Sandi Henderson's Portabello Pixie dresses for my girls. As always, I've got about 5 projects going at any given time.
I'm Eileen from upstate New York. Currently working on a knitted lace shawl in a lovely bamboo yarn.
Thanks for the chance to win!
I love these fabrics. I live in Australia and at the moment I'm working on the first bag design :)
I am Amanda from Brisbane Australia and my current project I am working on is dust face masks for my husband to wear to work to protect him from inhaling the sawdust (he's a carpenter).
My name is Holly, I live in Alaska. I am working on many baby quilts for soon to be born babies!
I'm in Vancouver. I'm trying to crochet a bathmat! Not just a straight single-colour bathmat.. but one that matches the shower curtain. I have discovered it requires a little more getting to know about crochet, though.. I only picked it up about a month ago.
I'm Nicole from BC, Canada, and I'm currently working on a pair of Pomatomus socks.
Hi, I'm Deb from Melbourne, Australia. I'm in the middle of several projects, including a tote for myself and a felt pizza for my kids.
I'm Emily from Portland, OR and I'm currently working on making my kids summer wardrobe, some super hero capes, and an apron for my 3 yr old's preschool teacher.
I am Miri. I'm from Israel. I am trying to make myself available for making a summer quilt for my son. Please count me in! Thank you so much for your generosity! samjerus[at]yahoo.com
Great giveaway! I just bought my first home and first dining room table last month so I am in need of napkins. I have a ton of projects going on right now and even more on my to-do list. I am in the midst of one of 4 table toppers, a large cross stitch design, a quilted wall hanging, and some hand applique blocks. Plus I'm reading a book. I need more hours in the day!
FABULOUS! I've been wanting to switch to cloth napkins! I'm in Richmond, VA.... and I'm working on too many things to count. Mostly bags.
My cloth napkins (love using them) are wearing out... I'm Marguerite, from Houston, and trying to finish a baby sweater in very fine yarn for someone who was born two weeks ago now!
Hi! I am Bethany and I live just outside of Atlanta, GA. I am currently working on two big projects. One is a Cars (Pixar) themed quilt for my soon to be 3 year old little girl. The other is a name quilt for my parents with the names of all their children and their grand children. It is fun going. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I'm Damocamelia from South of France.
I am working on a mother's day gift (7th of june here) ...
Love the colors in the fabrics. Perfect for summer! I'm Tiffanie and I live in NC. What am I working on. Well I just finished 2 blankets for my daughter and her BFF to take to camp with them this summer. My next project . .crayon rolls for a birthday party!
These are super cute! I would love to start using cloth napkins in my home. My current project - cake decorating - my new obsession - learning the ins & outs! Thanks for the giveaway!
I am Cassie from Washington state. I am working on a quilt for my nephew. :)
Thanks for doing the giveaway.
Cassie Driver
i'm elizabeth.
i'm from minnesota.
i'm working on a me-size version of the top i'm GIVING AWAY on my blog.
i love cloth napkins!
I LOVE cloth napkins...I still have and use the set from my first apartment 25 years ago! In WI, I knit year-round...just finishing a tea cozy, contemplating sewing a skirt.
yay, I love cloth napkins, and these fabrics are so cute! I'm Courtney from San Antonio and I've been trying to work on curtains for my living room forever, but have yet to get the rods hung to know the final cut length I need!
Thanks for entering my give away! I'm is PA. I am putting the binding on a quilt I just finished and made a new bag that I am going make a tutorial for. Love the your fabric!
I'm Anna in metro Atlanta. I'm in-between projects (not counting the box of "projects in progress"). I just finished a Mother Bear for the Toy Society, and have lots of supplies lined up for chicken-themed items in my shop. Now all I have to do is survive the last week of school and grading, and then . . summer!!
We use cloth napkins exclusively in our house, so you know we are always needing pretty new (clean) ones. Please put me in the hat!
Workin' on the patchin' around home: elbows, knees, random holes clipped into sleeves by a three year old (who will remain nameless)! ~H
I've been meaning to get some cloth napkins. I'm currently working on a quilt for my son with 100 other projects on the todo list!
Hi! Lisa From Indiana, here.
I am working on window seat cushions!
Thanks for a chance to win! :)
Hi from Maryland! I am working on a couple of knitting projects, but my immediate job is finishing some diaper covers for my daughter, who outgrew hers (!).
These are so cute!
Hee! Vice President of Fun = funny.
I'm writing from Raleigh, NC, but in my heart of hearts, I'm from Texas! I'm currently working on a matching place mat/napkin combo, with fabric queued up for Amy Butler's Blue Sky sunhat and her Domestic Goddess apron. There's lots of Amy Butler hanging around in my house!
I love those Katie Jump Rope fabrics!
Hey, I am in Kansas too! And I just bought one of those OK placemats at Target to craft with :) These napkins would be perfect in my kitchen, thanks for the chance to win!
I think I'm going to win from Wisconsin!
oooh I love katie jump rope!
My name is Kelly and I live in Canada and I am taking part in Dana's sew along at the Old Red Barn Co. blog
I am sewing maternity cloths right now :) My name is anna from Rhode Island
I'm Amy from Bountiful,Ut. I have been thinking of making some cloth napkins but haven't gotten around to it yet. It would be even better to win some.
Thanks for the giveaway, if I am the lucky winner, you can contact me through my website www.radseams.com.
These are fabulous! Thanks for the giveaway. I can be contacted thru my blog: www.luscofamily.blogspot.com
I'm from Oregon and am working on summer dresses for my girls.
How cute...these napkins would be great to have! I'm JJ, I live in sunny San Diego, CA and I am working on some felt aquarium magnets for my son's upcoming birthday!
Love those napkins. Way back in the olden days, we got cloth napkins as wedding gifts, and I used them for many years -- like you, I think I'll start doing that again! Currently working on baby dresses, but think I'll make a few napkins, too!
Beautiful fabrics; I'm at Thistle Cove Farm, beautiful Appalachian Mountains of southwest VA and I'm still trying to finish up all the baby quilts.
I'm going to give sex education classes if people don't slow down on the babies!
Oh, I just love cloth napkins. I hope I win :)
My name is Angie and I live in northeast PA. I am not currently working on anything, but hope to start on a dress for my daughter soon.
I'm Alex from Los Angeles, and I adore this fabric. I've been working on a marathon grandmother's flower garden quilt since September, and it's a lot of work but a lot of fun too.
I'm Ruth from CA, and I'm working on a quilt for my niece. It has seventeen (17!!) embroidered patches, but I'm trucking along with it and I have 8 done already. Wish me luck!
Hi, I'm Carmutxa, from Barcelona, Spain. Right now I'm crocheting a shawl and some amigurumis.
I need to start using cloth napkins, great idea, I have so many scraps that would work perfectly! My name is Kristie, I'm from Bothell, WA and I'm working on my new bag design and trying to get a little business up and running, check out my site...
Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow, I need some cloth napkins. I am Tracey and live in Utah. I am currently working on sewing a dress for my daughter.
Hi! My name is Sarah and I'm from Seattle, WA. Right now I'm working on a quilt for my nephew (2 weeks old!). I need to hurry up and finish it! I would love to win these gorgeous napkins! Thanks!
Oh, such pretty napkins! I love the colors & fabrics you chose! I had already decided using cloth napkins were going to be my next step on reducing our paper waste around here. Right now, I am up to my ears in reusable sandwich wraps & snack bags, and finishing a needlepoint project I started, oh, 15 years ago...(don't talk about it!) Your blog is great & I am now a follower. Thanks for letting me join in the fun drawing!
Silvia from Barcelona, Spain, over here. I've been working around the clock lately to finish getting ready my first quilt for (actually) quilting it. I'm attending patchwork classes and tomorrow we will start hand-quilting it. Drop by http://molacoser.blogspot.com to have a look at the work :-)
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Hello! I'm Liz from London (UK).
I've just finished a load of baby projects with a pregnant friend, so haven't go anything on the go right now, but looking for more ideas so I can surprise her when her baby arrives in the autumn.
My own giveaway is jewellery which is always on the go, so doesn't really count as a project!
HI, I'm MamáChanga & I live in Central CA.
As for current projects, I've been working on sharpening my photography skills & that's about it. I love to crochet and need to start on a wee little something for a wee little someone (born to a friend).
I'd love to start using cloth napkins too!
Hugs & Blessings!
I recognized those vintage fabrics immediately and love these napkins. Thanks! I have in progress 2 quilts, daughters capris and others, mending, crocheted bag - yikes!
Hi, this is Sue from Niagara Falls, NY.
I am working on Project Linus quilts (2), a baby quilt for a friend and my guild's challenge quilt.
I love being busy.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Hi! I'm Jen from Connecticut. I have many projects in the works right now but currently on my work table are some patchwork boxes.
Thanks for the opportunity to win your great prize!
Wow, a lot of comments! Well, here I am -- Christephi -- from Missouri. I'm finishing up the OTHER sock for my sister for the Christmas craftalong over on Craftster.org. I've also got a cute summer outfit cut out and ready to sew for my wee daughter.
I'm kelli from California. I'm working on birthday crowns for the summer birthdays around here!
Oh, sweet napkins!!
I'm over here in the mountains of NC currently working on some knitted soakers/shorts for my little one.
heheha! i have SO many going on at once...half of them are in my head :)
...however one thing i am doing right now, is creating some zombie & pirate octopus softie characters for a custom order!
♥ hey, try your luck at my giveaway too!
sophia from queensland, australia
i am currently taking a break from my christmas knitting, so i am not really working on anything... but we have just made the move to cloth napkins, and we could use a few more to get us from laundry day to laundry day!
I need to add some colorful cloth napkins to our stash (we only have white)
I'm Deanna in Dallas! and I'm working on some fleece covers for my son's diapers
I love cloth napkins and use them all the time.
I am from the beautiful state of South Carolina. I just finished an Amy Butler bag for my daughter, The Downtown Bag and did it in Farmer's Market Fabric, the orange and green. Love it!
oh I love cloth napkins...
working right now on a challenge quilt for my guild...
Wow! These are lovely. I'm Kerry from Ontario and I have a growing obsession for retro inspired prints, like anything with a 1930's feel. I have a small collection that all of these prints would go lovely with.
Hi, I'm Melody from Northwest Washington :) I am working on a gigantic jean quilt, amongst many other little projects!
I don't want to win, just thought I'd say hi! I love cloth napkins and use my scraps for these. I keep a basket of them on my table (all mismatched and wonderful!), and love that the kids can just grab one as needed, and I never worry about wasting them.
PS. Left you a voicemail this afternoon!
Hi, Kristen from Washington here...I love your projects...and these napkins ;) I've been working on hair clips for my girls and (eventually, if I stop giving them all away-my etsy shop...) Thanks for inspiring =)
These are so pretty, i love the colors. I'm Maren from northern CA and I am currently working on a granny square afghan for my BIL who just got married.
becky from PA. I'm working on a birthday skirt for my niece but this giveaway day is too fun and taking up my sewing time!!
What cute napkins. I'm Cinnamon from Oregon and I just inherited my old baby clothes from my mother for my little girl. I think I will be replacing elastic waist bands for quite a few days.
Hey there! I'm Sarah and I am from CA, SF Bay area. I am working on several things all at once (worst thing ever...but it happens when I know a lot of people with birthdays, and I think I can actually get something done for myself). My big (shouldn't be "too hard") project right now is reupholstering an ottoman I picked up at a garage sale for $2. I've ripped off the old fabric and top of stuffing, and it is acutally in good shape.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm Amy from California.
My biggest project is my blog. I'm not quite sure I'm succeeding at it yet. Haha.
Hello jennifer
My project is making medals for my boys. Because I see how they love to play that they have won something....so I am making that.
I would love to win
I would love these napkins! Right now, I am working on two baby quilts for my almost due twin nephews! My son is so ready for cousins!
I'm a big fan of cloth napkins...it makes every meal feel a little more specia. I'm Kara from Ohio and right now I'm working on my first ever skirt.
Hi! It's Klaudia from UK:)
Thank you for a lovely giveaway!
A project I am currently working on is crochet blanket for summer!
Hello, my name is Sylvie and I live in Quebec city, Canada. I am currently working on a mini quilt and some patchwork pot holders. Your cloth napkins are great, I like their bright colors!
Wow! What a great giveaway - Thanks! I'm from NC but now live in ND - I'm working on a quilt top pieced by my grandmother before she died...
I love those fabrics! My current project is a dress for my daughter for an upcoming family event. Hopefully I'll get it done in time!
Comment here!
Hi from Austin!
Working on a sting X quilt...
Very cute fabrics, thanks for the giveaway. My current project is to make another bag for the summer. I recently went fabric shopping in Hong Kong and brought back some beautiful finds.
Hello from the other Vancouver! I'm knitting these days: dishcloths, a Calorimetry for my sister, some socks for me, and sewing toys for friends' birthdays. We are a napkin-using family and would love such lovely fresh ones for our summer table.
Hi!!! RosaMarÃa from Guadalajara, México... is great found your blog!
im workin on to many projects: a quilt to my hubie and a pilow case using the zigzag block for my brother.
Love your napkins!!! an hope win!!
Hi I am from South Africa. My current project is the quilt along with OldRedBarn.Thanks for the giveaway
very cute! I am Debra in Terre Haute, In, working on quilts for all my nephews and nieces for the August Family Reunion!
what pretty fabrics and a lovely giveaway - you are very kind! thanks for the chance to win them
i'm from singapore. i'm currently working on felt nursery rhymne characters for my tots. abby
Hello from sunny Fort Wayne, Indiana. Currently getting started on baby quilt for my unborn neice or nephew...always enjoy a baby quilt.
cloth napkins are a fantastic idea...we should all adopt such a habit. Thanks for a chance to win.
Hi, I'm Leigh from Wisconsin! I just finished up a slipcover for a baby carrier and a tote bag for a gift! So I'm still pondering what my next project will be. I think a skirt for ME!
I Love these I always use cloth napkins and love it I always feel special when i take them in my lunch!!
I'm Jen in UT. I am getting ready to make summer skirts for my 4 year old. :)
Hello, my name is Sophie I'm from Saratoga Springs, NY I am working on a few aprons made from a pair of jeans I'm also working on my first quilt yea!! lol
I'm Bonnita from Lafayette, Oregon. My currant project is aprons for Christmas.
The best thing about giveaway day is visiting all the blogs and seeing what folks are making. :)
Hi, I'm Beccy from York, England and that fabric is so pretty!
I'm currently making throw pillows by recycling the stuffing from old sofa cushions and those foot-square fabric samples interior designers have (you know the kind right? There are about 20 of them all stapled together so you can flip through) :)
such pretty fabrics! I'm Nova from West Australia. I've just finished an improvised quilt and I'm just about to start on a baby quilt.
Hey I'm Steph from Sydney, Australia... I have stumbled upon making Happy Scrappy Brooches hehe... We're having a give away too.. actually u can win one lol. I forgot!!
xo Steph
Hi, I'm Heather. I'm a quiltaholic! :) I'm in Northern California and would love, love, love to win that Katie Jump Rope fabric! Thanks for the opportunity :)
they're so pretty... I am in the middle of making a whole lot of fabric flowers for my etsy store.
Please enter me in the draw, and don't forget to enter mine. :)
Beth Moore, from Clearwater Fl
I am addicted to those little girls dresses from men's shirts
I'm Candice, I live in Missouri. Most of my projects are child learning projects. I make my own Montessori materials.
Great prize you are giving to a lucky person.
I just spent far too much time wandering around your blog. LOVE all those tutorials. They are fantastic! Thank you so much. I am now subscribed to your feed to keep up on your blog also.
Hi! I'm Steph - originally from Nashville - now living in Raleigh and moving to Tampa in a few months!!!!
My next project for my shop includes fabric and jewelry!
very cool napkins -- way to spread the cloth napkin love around! i'm blogging from northern colorado, and i'm working on projects for weekend sewing (i just got it for my birthday!). first up is the baby kimono...
Hi My name is Beth and I'm from Vermont. I just finished bonnets and aprons for my daughter and her friend to go to an outdoor VT historic museum (Shelburne Museum if you want to check it out - amazing folk art and sooo many quilts!) You can check it out on my blog snoodle.typepad.com (and enter my giveaway, too!)
I'm Sara from Northern California. Right now I feel like my biggest project is entering giveaways - there are so many amazing ones! Next on my sewing plate is another skirt for my daughter.
Hi! I was referred here from another blog and now you are one of my favorites! Such beautiful inspiration! Thanks for sharing!
Mary Kay earthymom4@yahoo.com
Hi! I am an ardent cloth napkin user, so those would be very used in our home! I'm currently knitting my first wool soakers for my 4-month old son. Oh, and I am from the great bluegrass state... Kentucky!
Hi! I'm from Park Ridge, IL, just outside Chicago. I'm currently working on a quilt for my nephew, due in August. Thanks for the chance to win your cute napkins!
I'm Karin and I am from CA, but living in the Dominican Republic with my husband and toddler son. We use cloth napkins everyday instead of paper, so this would be a great thing to win!
I am currently working on PJ bottoms out of fun fabric for my son. Super fun and easy now that I know how to make the pattern up!
Thank you for the chance to win. The napkins are beautiful!
I would love to win theses great napkins! My current project is a nursing cover. I'm in Iowa. Thanks for the chance!
i'm from oregon, these days, and i jumped for joy when i saw the "katie jump rope" prints! i am working on valances, a baby quilt, knitted legwarmers, and a couple of buttercup bags these days. whew! :)
I love using cloth napkins! They have made me feel grown up since I left college and folded paper towels behind!!
I am Thea in Colorado, and I am working on lost of baby and wedding presents - 4 babies due and 2 weddings in the next month!!!
THanks for the chance to win
theavcp at yahoo dot com
very cute fabric! I like cloth napkins.
I'm Allie in Springville, Utah.
Right now I'm just trying to get some of my quilt tops actually quilted. I still have a ways to go!
My name is Karen and I am from CT. I just finished up a pair of pajama pants. Thank you for the chance to enter.
My name is Bethany, I am from Salem, Oregon where the weather is perfect for sewing most of the year. Thanks for doing this drawing.
I'm Mandi, living in New Orleans, and working on whatever I can complete when my kiddos are asleep! This summer I really want to make my first large-sized quilt for my bedroom.
Thanks for the chance to enter!
Hi, Mary from Toronto, Canada here.
Cute fabrics! I have several projects on the go right now. Mostly sewing for babies that are expected to arrive this summer! Also, trying to get some work done on an Amy Butler weekend bag for myself! So much to sew, so little time!
ugli.tangelo.fruit at gmail dot com
I'm working on a quilt for my little girl. So much fun!
I'm Ali from Houston, TX and I'm currently finishing up a (very simple) quilt. Thanks for offering the chance to win.
hello :) I'm Ali from Brisbane, Australia. I have so many 'current' projects - some of them rather un-current, actually!! My most current is a little pink dress that I am making for my daughter's doll that I cut out today ... so many projects, so little time ;)
My name is Rhonda, I live in Meadville, PA and I'm currently working on some paper crafting items. Envelope and corner bookmark sets. I'm usually a sewer and have been working on some travel wallets, but my machine is currently in the shop for maintenance.
what a lovely giveaway, thanks for the chance. I am currently working on baby clothes for my little girl... lots of dresses =)
I'm Ilona from the Netherlands. Beautiful fabric! My current project(s) are felt cuties, you can see them on my blog. Only finished 3 yet, but I like them!
Hi, I'm Amanda from San Jose, CA. I'm working on coffee sleeves right now. Then, on to more snack bags for the kiddos.
I'm Rachelle from Tacoma, Washington. Right now I'm working on tote bags but need to bust out some baby shower items later this week.
I'm Tina from the Florida panhandle. I'm hand quilting on a baby quilt and a small wall hanging. Thank you for the chance to win your giveaway.
Hi Kellie from Chicago. ONE project. There is about 20, but my favorites are the baby quilts.
Hi, I hope I'm not too late!
I love the cloth napkins!
Right now I am between projects, trying to decide how to use up some of my fabric stash! lol I'm planning on making some Ruffle blouses (Made By Rae) soon though.
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