Monday, May 17, 2010

It's May Giveaway Day!

Happy Giveaway Day!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I have a few vintage sheet goodies that I hope one lucky winner will really enjoy!
My giveaway includes the following:
*one half of a fitted Rainbow Brite sheet (I couldn't bear to give the whole thing away, really I still might use it someday, right?)
*two vintage sheet fat quarters
*one charm pack of 40, 5-inch vintage sheet squares

Here's another photo of the sheet:
I tucked under the edges in this photo to make it look a little more neat--so you'll be getting a bit more than what you see here.
The charm pack includes almost all of the fabrics I used in this quilt top (plus a few that weren't):
There are about 5 duplicate prints in the charm pack.

I am willing to ship internationally, and you can enter until May 20. If you'd like to enter, please just leave a comment below! Please make sure your email address is available in your blogger profile or include it in your comment, please.


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Louby Lou said...

Wooo, Rainbow Brite! That's a blast from the past! Think I still have a doll some where in the attic... Thanks for the giveaway!

VickiT said...

Oh how fun is that Rainbow Brite! I would have so much fun making something for my Granddaughter with that. I love the other fabrics too. Your quilt is awesome too.

alli b said...

Rainbow Brite is amazing - I can't remember at all what it was about, but I remember loving it. Right up there with Strawberry Shortcake for me when i was little. Amazing!
alli b

burlap+blue said...

LOVE this giveaway--gorgeous fabrics, thanks for the chance!

Morgan said...

That Rainbow Brite sheet is awesome! I'm impressed you're giving any of it away. :)

Kadybug said...

Oh my goodness! I love rainbow brite! My daughter has just discovered her!

Unknown said...

Out of all the amazing giveaways, this is the one it will be hardest not to win :) Can't stop thinking of what I could do with the Rainbow Brite fabric!

Misty.Creek said...

Oh my goodness, I would love to have the Rainbow Brite fabric! I loved her as a kid and found a vintage Rainbow Brite cake pan. And that quilt is beautiful! Great job and I'd never know it's made of sheets.

Amy Cook-Kane said...

Rainbow Brite. I wish my mom still had my Smurf Sheets!

A. said...

wow. my childhood just screamed with glee when it saw rainbrow brite!!

Natys said...

OMG OMG OMG when i saw it i couldnt bealive it, rainbow brite fabric!!! i loved that cartoon, Would be great some day make something to my baby girl (we are planning get pregnant next year)
Im crossing ALL my fingers


Cindy said...

I love vintage sheets and this would save me some time from looking myself. Thanks so much!

Maevy said...

I loved your quilt from the moment I saw it, I would be very happy to have a charm pack of the same fabrics. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

quilterfaye said...

Fingers crossed!!pick me PLEEEEASE!!!

jeanmarie. said...

oh my gosh.. my daughter would love that rainbow brite :)

Leah said...

I love vintage fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway.

Dusty said...

Ack! Rainbow Brite! I think I totally had those sheets when I was little.

Marie said...

That quilt top is great! Thanks for a chance to win a great prize.

holly | bijou lovely said...

That Rainbow Brite sheet is awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

The rainbow brite sheet is awesome. Thanks for the giveaway.

Jessica said...

Omg! Rainbow Brite! Love! Thanks for the opportunity!

Patty said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Love the fabrics.

Nicole said...

Rainbow Bright!! I am an 80's child, so this makes me smile :) Your quilt top is gorgeous, you do wonderful work :) Thanks for the giveaway!!

Mare said...

I use to have that rainbow brite sheet set. Thanks for a chance to win and for bringing back wonderful memories.

Anonymous said...

Aww hooray vintage sheets! I ADORE rainbow brite, I've used to have those sheets!!!

everyday inspirations said...

OH MY - we were JUST talking about Rainbow Brite this weekend!!!

Awesome giveaway - thx for the chance to win!

catherine s.
imaginethatdesign (at) yahoo (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful quilt! Thanks so much for a great giveaway.
:) Amelia
ameliasliedrecht at yahoo dot com

Kristy said...

oy! That Rainbow Brite sheet is totally out of my childhood. My entire bedroom was Rainbow Brite in those years!

Leigh said...

My daughter has just discovered Rainbow Bright, I'd love to win this and make a pillow for her!

Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) said...

Oh wow, rainbow brite!!! She was one of my favourite characters when I was a little girl. I love to visit thrift/op shops but vintage sheets in good condition are hard to find!

debyeo at hotmail dot com

Kristina said...

wow, I feel like I just went back in time looking at that Rainbow Bright fabric. I love it!

Maroesja said...

what happy fabrics :)
Thank you for this giveaway

Jenny said...

Love the quilt top you made!

Briana Arlene said...

Wow, rainbow bright! I don't think I have seen anything with that theme in about 15 years. Thanks for the giveaway!

Lottie said...

That sheet is just so cute!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for offering the give-away! I am in love with all your stuff!

Dawn Derrick

by Daisy said...

these fabrics are really something! thank you so much. i'd be so happy if i won!!!

Robyn said...

Beautiful colors. Thanks for the giveaway.


GirlHouse said...

Rainbow Brite! That is AWESOME!!!
shawnnahouseholder at gmail

RyanSarahN said...

Love those vintage sheets - and I had those rainbow brite sheets when I was little! How fun. Thanks for the giveaway.

Nadescha said...

beautiful fabrics!!!
please also check out my giveaway at :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! What great bunch of fabric! My daughter would love the Rainbow Bright sheet.


Anonymous said...

I love vintage fabrics and the charm pack looks awesome. Beautiful quilt too btw!

Amy (ArtsyBookishGal) said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com

P.S. I love Rainbow Brite. The OLD RB, not the remake.

Julia Gabriel said...

We love Rainbow Bright! When I wa a kind I think I had those sheets. LOL.

NorahS said...

Love those vintage sheets!

Jenn said...

I LOVED Rainbow Brite as a kid! This would be awesome for one of my girls... Thanks for the chance to win!

Rachel said...

Rainbow Brite! My sister and I loved her, this would be such a fun one to win! Fingers crossed! :)

Erica said...

I love that quilt! Thanks for the giveaway!

Laura said...

This is an amazing giveaway, I love the vintage fabrics. My four year old daughter just discovered Rainbow Brite cartoons, it would make her day if we won :)


Bee Damon said...

Wow, this is so amazing! I need that fabric. No, seriously. I think I'll die without it 8D Thanks for your giveaway!


Cackleberry Homestead said...

Wonderful giveaway - thanks so much for offering it. I think I had almost forgotten about Rainbow Brite!

Desiree said...

Your quilt top is amazing. Thanks for the great giveaway!

misfitknits said...

ooohhh MAN!! what a great give away! i really hope i can win this one!! *i know everyone will be thinking the same!* thank you for such a generous give away!

baukje said...

Lovely prize ;thanks

Sew Lovins said...

LOVE vintage fabrics!! Thanks for the giveaway..sosoosos cute! xoxoxo

momma rae said...

eek! rainbow brite?! so cool!!

Julie said...

Rainbow Brite?!? AWE. SOME. I loved her and all her colorful chums when I was little. I had a purple one and a green one (Patty O'Lucky or something vaguely fake-Irish like that) and I loved them with all my heart. :) This is a wonderful giveaway prize - thanks for the chance! ( juliebean28 at hotmail dot com )

sy said...

your quilt is so pretty *_* thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Diana said...

Thanks for organizing this giveaway.
I just love the rainbow brite fabric.

Mrs. Jackie Sue said...

Sew Fun!!! Thanks for the giveaway. I like your prizes!!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure what I would do with the RB quilt, although I'm sure I could think of something good for one of my SILs.

The vintage sheets would definitely work into a lot of my current projects.

murbeck said...

OMG, I had very similar sheets on my twin-sized bed, upper bunk :]

Crafty Chops said...

Oh my goodness, Rainbow Brite was my idol as a kid (along with Jem, and She-ra, they so don't make TV like they used to!)

I love your give away.

Kristen said...

How cool is that! Ahh.. childhood! Count me in!

Gracie "Neky White" said...

I was a fan of rainbow brite!! *_* you're very generous, thank you so much for this opportunity!

woolybooger said...

Vintage sheets feel so soft. Thanks for the chance to win.

4vs1 said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I love the Rainbow Bright fabric... that really brings back memories! :)

M said...

OH MAN I Dreamed about Rainbow Brite last night! Amazing. It's a sign.


Jen Price said...

I LOVED Rainbow Brite as a kid!

Jenny H said...

Rainbow bright! My childhood has just come rushing back to me, love it! Thanks!

jenrhodges at gmail dot com

CMEH said...

wow this is beautiful stuff... I never find these vintage sheets! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Crunchy Sews said...

It would thrill me to win this!

Rose said...

Oh wow, I LOVE rainbow bright, I was a big fan of the show when I was child. Thank you for the opportunity to possibly win some :)

Kelsey said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I love vintage sheets!

Ellechim said...

Hello :) Great items and great blog!
Thank you so much for the giveaway,
Elle8130(at)yahoo(dot) com

britt said...

Oh, I am totally a Rainbow Brite kid! Thanks for the chance to win!
robobritt at

Elena said...

omg, over the moon nostalgia for the Rainbow Brite! Great giveaway! Thank you!

Andrea said...

I've become such a lover of vintage sheets in recent months - these would be such a great gift! Thanks for the giveaway.

Renee G said...

Would love to make a quilt like yours.

Carrie said...

My sister loves Rainbow Brite and she even made an awesome costume! Fabulous giveaway!

Michael and Rachelle said...

oh my goodness...rainbow brite. It almost made me tear up thinking of when I was little. What a fantastic prize.

Katie said...

Is it bad that I would use that Rainbow Brite fabric for a pillowcase for myself, even though I'm a mom with 3 kids? I love it!

hi, i'm kat. said...

be still my heart, my daughter and i love rainbow brite! yay..thanks for the chance, kat

karrelle said...

Great fabrics.

Susanne said...

I LOVE vintage sheets! Thanks for the chance to win!

Alisa said...

Oh my gosh, Rainbow Brite, how fun. Thanks for the chance.

miriam sappington said...

Rainbow Brite! I love this! What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!

Emily said...

I love the Rainbow Brite sheet! My daughter plays with my old Rainbow Brite doll. Classic!

SisterlyLove said...

Those are AWESOME! I love vintage everything! :) :) :) That quilt you made is so gorgeous.


SoozeM said...

Oh my goodness it's rainbow bright! I used to love that show as a kid!

Diane Barfield said...

That Rainbow Bright sheet brought back many memories of when my daughters were little. Thanks for your giveaway. I love anything vintage, sheets included.

Ann said...

hi.the quilt in the post is really pretty.
thanks for the giveaway.


tammi said...

I love this! Where else would you find Rainbow Brite!

Connie Black said...

Wow, thanks for the fantastic giveaway! These would be perfect for a project my daughter's 4-H group are working on.
My fingers are crossed!
epblack at zoominternet dot net

From Snowflakes To Hotcakes said...

OOOOH!!! Rainbow Bright!! :-) Thanks for this giveaway!

Stephanie said...

Thanks for a chance.

Unknown said...

I love Rainbow Bright! If you fussy cut it I could see it being the focal point of a little girls quilt.

Kristin said...

ha...I had a rainbow brite doll when I was little! :)

Pauline Perh said...

Your giveaway is lovely. And thank you for entering mine too.

StephanieS said...

I love the quilt top you made with the same fabric you are giving away. My sister used to have a Rainbow Brite doll, maybe she would like something made out of it. Thanks for the chance to win. stephspitzer at gmail dot com

sandandstarfish said...

first, your daughter is adorable :)
second... i LOVE rainbow bright! thanks for hosting! great giveaway!

tatgurl said...

Very cute fabrics!! I loved Rainbow Brite when I was a little girl and would love to make something for my daughter with this fabric!!

The Jenkins said...

My sister (who's grown now) LOVED Rainbow Bright when we were little, so much that she wore out the VHS at the library. When I saw the sheet I laughed and have to make something for her our of it!!

jenkinstobeach (at) gmail (dot) com

Susie said...

Oh my goodness, my daughter doesn't know rainbow brite, but she is obsessed with ponies, and rainbows!! I'd love to make something really sweet for her from this great find!
thanks so much, xo

Grace Wong said...

I hope I'm not too late, I love these fabrics!

adriane said...

The rainbow brite material is so fun!
Thanks for the chance!

Bonnita said...

I love vintage sheets! Thank you so much!

isabel f. said...

please, count me in :)
thank you for this great giveaway!

Christy クリスティ said...

I love rainbow brite! Thank you for your cute guveaway!!

hcvallad said...

I am so glad for this giveaway. I have discovered SOOO many great new blogs. Thanks for the chance!

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