
Monday, October 10, 2011

Skirt for my girl

black skirt 
I made this little skirt for my girl over the weekend. Sadly, I think it's a little too short and I'm going to need to unpick the yoke, cut out the elastic, and add length by making the yoke a couple inches longer. The worst part? Well, besides black thread + black fabric? I topstitched the yoke. Oh well, I will be much happier with the project if I redo it, even though it won't be the most fun.

It has been a little chilly here lately and from what the locals say, it's going to be this way until March (at least). So I decided to make a scarf and found some cute patterns over on ravelry. I am trying to hold myself back from going and buying yarn to make this or this, at least until I make a little more progress on my hexagons or finish up the skirt re-do.

We are coming really close to making a decision on where we will live for the next year. (We're going to rent for a year while we get to know the area better, and then buy a house.) Looking forward to hopefully having a place with more light! Here's a picture of the view out our living room window:
view from apartment 
It's pretty, but also makes things quite dark inside. Even when it's sunny out. We have a similar view from all of the windows here, by the way. (Also, they have been replacing/repairing the wooden deck railing out there and it's not painted yet, if you were wondering.)

So this week my project goals are to work some more on my hexagons, redo the skirt, and finish a quilt back. What are you going to make?


  1. Well it is really cute. I hate when things don't turn out exactly right.

  2. The skirt is sooo cute. If it's going to be cold for the next several months, why not let her wear the skirt over a pair of leggings? Save you some unsewing, and she'd look cute, like you planned it that way. :) I have too many projects. Two prayer quilts need to be tied, bound, and presented. Plus, I'm making another quilted throw for a friend to auction off to help someone in her community. Also need to start my Christmas sewing.

  3. Ug, I hate unpicking, too. But sometimes if you get an inch or so undone, you can work it to unpick both the topstitching and main stitching at the same time. Put on a good movie or music you love to make it less tedious.

    And for the weather, I keep hearing how this is going to be a bad year. Probably nothing compared to KS, but sometimes it can feel much colder than it is because it's so damp.

  4. Unpicking. Hate it. I always seem to make my worst mistakes when I am most thorough, lots of backstithing and such. :P
    The skirt is very cute, though, so probably worth it.

    We are doing the rent for a year thing too, in our new city/state. Not enjoying it, but I think it will be worth the wait.

  5. Ugh, unpicking is gonna stink...what if you added something to the bottom instead? Deep Lace?

  6. I was thinking leggings might do the trick as well, of course if you wanted it to go with tights and dress shoes maybe unpicking is the only way. Beautiful scenery, but light is hard to come by with all those trees and clouds 6-9 months out of the year. Best wishes as you make a more permanent move.


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