
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Easing back in (with hexagons!)

Well, we are in our temporary digs here in Seattle—the boys are in school and happily riding their respective buses, my husband has figured out the park and ride and our cars arrived yesterday so I don’t have to drive anyone to their destinations any more. I'm happy to have my very own car back too; it was so weird driving a different (rental) one. We moved here with what we were able to pack into suitcases and bring on the airplane, so that means no sewing machine. For a little while. (Hopefully there will be an update on that very soon!) I brought some bits of my favorite fabrics and have been working on some hexagons.
september hexies
We are in a dark-ish, halfway underground apartment for these first two months, and taking photos is going to be challenging.

Back in July I went to a blogger meetup that I then failed to blog about. One of the cool people there was Leigh, who blogs at leedle deedle quilts. I LOVE this project of hers (she brought it for sew-n-tell that night), and thought I might maybe start a hexagon quilt. I'm not all the way decided on that, but I am thinking making a pillow, or maybe two, might be more realistic for me.

I wanted to share a couple of things quickly (we have kind of crummy internet here, sigh)--Amy from the cute life started making some Dear Jane blocks; I love them. Some of them are the same ones I made for my Kona challenge No Prints Allowed/Jane Stickle 9-Patch.

And I heard from Jessica at, and my crooked pumpkin quilt block tutorial was included in a round up of twelve pumpkin quilt block patterns. Check it out if you need some fall sewing inspiration!

Hopefully I'll be able to start posting here more regularly--I've missed sewing, and sharing about it here too. I have some other sewing projects I'm planning on working on in the next few weeks too. I hope you have all been doing well!


  1. I like your crooked pumpkins and intented to make them last year but time got away from me, Thanks tor reminding me can't wait to make them.

  2. I hope it's beginning to feel like home there but that might be asking too much w/o a sewing machine! I finished my Ruffle Crush by big-stitch hand quilting it. It's going to be in the Quilts on the Quad show Saturday. I'll send pictures.

  3. Life without a sewing machine isn't much of a life 'LOL' but looks like you are enjoying the hexagons. I recently made a star quilt all stitched by hand (co-op with my Mum) and it was tough but totally with it in the end....

    Your pictures are not to bad. My pictures are just plain rotten. Here it's starting to get dark really early so I ave little to no chance of decent light until next summer.

  4. Very happy to see that you and the family made it safely to Seattle. Love your hexi's hope you enjoy some fresh seafood and stay dry;)

  5. It sounds like you are all starting to settle in, minus the sewing machine. Love those hexi's! We moved at the beginning of the summer, and I lost my big beautiful and well-lit sewing room at the old house. Had no sewing for the summer, and am now in the basement of the new place, so I feel your photography pain! I just figured out how to change the "white balance" light settings on my camera to incandescent light, and that helped!

  6. You're so brave to do hexagons, LOL! I would get about 6 done and never finish. But those look just absolutely perfect!

  7. yay! thanks for the shout out :) and agreed with cille, your pics are still better than mine!


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