
Friday, February 05, 2010

Sew and Tell Friday--baby dress

Hey, I actually have something I can post for Sew and Tell Friday!

I still need to get buttons for this (and sew them on/make buttonholes) but I wanted to show it off now.

The pattern is from Sew for Toddlers by Kerstin Martensson, the 1979 version. My mom made dresses for me and my sisters using this book. I lined the bodice and added interfacing to the back opening and collar. I also shortened/updated the sleeves a bit. The sleeve edges are bound with bias cut self-fabric and these sleeves are really tiny so I hand basted the binding on before sewing it--pins just weren't going to work.

If I make this pattern again I think I might add some pleats in the bodice front or something else for added interest. This fabric doesn't really need any extra details though.... I might add a little length to the skirt too, in the future.

Head on over to Amy's to see more Sew and Tell projects!


  1. This is so sweet! I love the dainty fabric:)

  2. this dress is so adorable....i love the fabric

  3. Cute! It makes me think of spring :)

  4. Such a sweet dress Vicki! Your girl gets all the frills, huh!?

  5. Love the dress... I always use the Kwik Sew patterns (kirsten is the designer) for my kids clothes, they are so well done.

  6. Cute CUte Cute!

  7. The fabric is so sweet! The dress is really timeless!

  8. Darling dress Vicki! I love your new layout too!

  9. This is adorable--love the fabric!

  10. Just darling Vicki!

  11. So adorable! That was what I was sewing 20 years ago!

  12. That dress is really, really cute!

  13. Such an adorable little dress! I love the sweet collar.

  14. Such a sweet little dress and pretty fabric. I loved sewing little dresses for my girls when they were little. If you really wanted to add somethning to it I would suggest perhaps some ric rac around the hem.

  15. A little ribbon sash and tiny bows on the sleeves would be cute without being too busy. Such cute little floral fabric!

  16. Such a pretty dress. I love the fabric. Thanks for sharing.


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