
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

thankful ~2~

So I decided to go grocery shopping with all 3 kids after school today to get the fixings for our Thanksgiving dinner. It was going really well; I had a pretty good attitude and this one sample guy gave us a taste of breaded pork something with yum, cranberry/horseradish dipping sauce. Wow, it was good. Kids had free cookies, and there was an eggnog guy, too. The kids were behaving fine and I wasn't stressed out.

Anyway I was going back and forth across the whole store looking for things and a man sort of stopped me, put something in my hand and said, "Happy Thanksgiving." I looked down quickly and saw that it said "Happy Thanksgiving" and in the space for dollar amount, "$50". I turned and looked at him and said thank you, then told the boys what it was. I couldn't believe it. I had a lot of thoughts running through my head while I looked for the dang french onions and sweetened condensed milk, like "we don't need this, why me? I can't believe this." I did decide to go back to the hotwheels over by the dairy section and let Jacob pick out a $1 car to buy.

We got up to the checkout and my total was $54. I had thought about buying some of the food pantry (Harvesters) coupons that our store has so you can donate money. I went ahead and bought $20 of those since my groceries were pretty much paid for.

The cashier told me that I was the third person who had come through her line with a $50 gift card and that all 3 had been women with kids. Isn't that sweet? Makes me wonder about what kind of person does something like this. I need to figure out how I'm going to go ahead and pay forward the rest of the dollar amount I was given today. Or more.

I'm thankful for generous people who do crazy, random, acts of kindness and make me think about the goodness of people.


  1. That is so cool! I love it when randomness happens in a good way :)

  2. That is totally cool! If we'd all do a random act of senseless kindness a week I think the world would be a much better place. Kudos to you for paying it forward.

  3. That's so great! Nothing like an act of kindness to renew your faith in the world.

  4. It's amazing how easy it is to focus on the negative, but your thankful posts are lovely - there are some fantastic people and small events that make life wonderful -thankyou for sharing :)

  5. What a great story - a wonderful way to start a rainy day here.

  6. WOW! What a beautiful thing to do! And then you paid it forward! I am so moved by your entire story.

  7. Such a happy feel good true story thank you for sharing in more ways then one!!!

  8. What an awesome random act of kindness!!

  9. WOnderful! I'll bet that guy feels awesome!

  10. What a cool thing! Got me a little teary-eyed. It's so easy to focus on the negative in this world, sometimes.

  11. I'm thankful I read your blog daily, because it would be a shame to miss such a perfect Thanksgiving story! That's absolutely wonderful. It does renew your faith in the world.

  12. That is so great! It is great to hear about the good things people do.


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