I finally got these ready to show off here at the blog. I'm getting the hang of using my new coverstitcher but it is easy for it to go a bit crooked and not always easy to undo the stitching. I'm really glad I bought some bulk needles for it and need to do that with regular ball point needles since they get dull fast. I need to order some snaps; I'm afraid the ties fastening the romper are going to be really annoying. Oh well. These things were made from Ottobre and New Conceptions Baby Essentials patterns; more info is on the photo labels at my flickr. (Click up there on the right, see it?) I'm especially proud of the green jacket; it's made from a $1.47 remnant of fleece from JoAnn's that was just barely big enough.
I have some flannel I bought at the JA sale so I might make some blankets, burp cloths, and diaper wipes next.